
Chasing lines.

"Our generation has been so heavily fed with propaganda. The idea of thinking for oneself as an individual is a revolutionary concept now."
-Saul Williams

Using the written word as a vehicle to create as a means of expressing emotions that would normally be hard to convey in the terms of casual conversation. Shaping words into one's own personal vision gives life to the art that encompasses my self-expression.

As a society in general, we have undoubtedly become dependant in the partaking of worldly trends. Individualism stems from the words bravery and daring, yet no one realizes that we are too engrossed in what others would believe us to be if we all chose to step forward and outwardly speak our minds in public; frightened by the ideals of being exiled or out casted solely based upon differential opinions. I however, chose to break free from the self consciousness that binds me in introversion, because what I write down on paper, clearly defines who I am.

We, are descended from the ancients, but we have not emulated them or benefited from the wisdom they have left for us. Their ideas of deity, and of the mysteries of being and universe, would not find comparison in today’s Age of Entertainment. However, one thing that can still be gleaned and embraced from the days of the high cultures is the symbolic, iconic dimension of expression, which ultimately leads us individually and collectively back to the depths inside of our own being.

Today, we are technologically advanced and spend much time congratulating ourselves because of it. Now a days there is even talk of man created man as the genetic sciences and approach become vague. Science prides itself on its incessant search for perfection, the implication being that man and woman is not already perfect. However, the contrary is true. Man and woman are perfect, just as they are, until he or she becomes programmed to believe otherwise. We cannot hear the voice within that tells us of our own perfection due to the clamor of the world which violates and numbs the senses, and which grows ever more obnoxious and all-pervasive as time goes by. We cannot see perfection in anything or anyone while our own thoughts and intelligence is poisoned with doubt and self-abnegation. We no longer recognize the utter perfection of nature while we exist in a state of inner disorder. The man or woman riddled with inner anxiety, jealousy and sadism is in no position to heal the world.

This page is dedicated to all the people I have met in my life that have encouraged, believed, and inspired me to have the inner confidence to express myself poetically. That kindness will never be forgotten. I like to call it the bass-line of my heart. This blog is also for anyone that is in the struggle right now. And it can be any kind of struggle. Being mature and comfortable in our own skin we have to look forward ready to capitalize on our oppressors with an open mind and always thinking freely. The mark of an educated mind is to calculate ideas before we randomly accept them as truths. Let me do me and you do you. Don't ever let anyone or anything take away your dreams. My dreams are my sanity.

Be yourself, express yourself, and heal yourself....

much love and always respect.

-ghostwriter of the Midwest.

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