
The Tree Who Fought to Arise

"Dreams are real..."

Grains of seeds fall from the inevitable hour glass,

as boys become elderly trees in the same resting home where trees had once been nothing more than adolescent boys,

seasons kiss the youth as time shifts the new born seed from the Guatemalan mountains into a foundation of Amundsen concrete,

where the roots are serenaded by the wind, in hopes they would one day sprout from the confines of urban life’s unconventional beauty,

and finally allow the tree to blossom amongst his peer’s under a suburbian horizon infused with obligatory traveling companions and passionate dream lovers.

Through out his journey of discovery there were moments when his limbs transcended gravity and reached for heaven’s clouds with an amorous joy to live, breathe, and grow.

He also embraced moments when raindrops gently rolled down his cheek, and nature along with him, as if she was dedicated to take part in his pain, shed tears that fell down onto his leaves,

Never once conceding defeat in the face of despair, he focused his attention to his scars, and with a relentless courage to stand up tall in the face of fear, he shouted at the sky,

"You will not make me crumble to the soil because of heartbreak, invested in my heart is love and that same love will give me the courage to overcome!"

At that very moment a man appeared off in the distance, cigarette dangling from his lip and a notebook and pen in his hand,

the humble poet immediately noticed the lone tree and gazed at it with wonder and amazement at the tree’s resilience to maintain in the face of Mother Nature’s natural elements.

The tree could see the effect the sun’s nobility to shine bright was having on the strangers stamina, and as an offering of friendship, invited the poet to rest and take comfort in his shade.

Hours passed as the poet’s pen danced across the blank sheets and the awe struck tree watched in silence at the spectacle of white pages being caressed by the simple touch of ink solely to conceive "creation."

Finally, the sunshine began to wither like a dying flower, and the humble poet closed his notebook and rose to his feet, knowing that his own destiny was awaiting his presence,

he turned to face the tree and realized that though a word was never spoken that their souls had a lifetime’s worth of conversation, mixing expression and curiosity with understanding and respect,

the poet knew the impressionable farewell the tree would imprint on his memory so before he parted from the tree’s magnificent display of glory,

he opened his notebook and wrote at the top of the page, "The Tree Who Fought to Arise," along with one of his favorite quotes, "Dreams are real."

Then the humble poet closed his eyes for a few seconds to say a quick prayer for the tree, only asking the Almighty to remember to look out for the tree’s safety and prosperity,

And then he laid the notebook and pen down at the tree’s base, knowing that one day another traveler will come along and read his words and add their own experiences as well.

Walking away as the poet continued on his own journey he lit up a cigarette and inhaled a satisfied drag, then turned his head and smiled, fully aware that the tree’s story will live on because of its willingness to fight and stand it’s ground....

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