
Cheer up

I'm just going to keep my eyes closed. Because this is like that moment, first thing in the morning, when you first wake up and you're still half asleep and everything seems...

things are possible, dreams feel their truest, and for that one moment between waking and dreaming;

anything can be real...

And then you open your eyes and the sun hits you and realize - I'm just going to keep my eyes closed....

you only have one life to do whatever you want with. In 50 years nobody will remember the stupid mistakes you made, so make a fool of yourself while you still have the chance because if you spend all your life trying to be the coolest kid around you will never be happy with yourself.

Every day may not be good...but there's something good in every day.

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful post. I really needed this today, thank you for sharing your beautiful thoughts.

    And I totally agree, there's something good in every day - all you need to do is to be grateful of it all, and to learn something from whatever may come your way ;)
