
The Life of Art

I love how you can read someone else's work (or in this case blog) and not only understand where the artist is coming from but also gather a better understanding of your own feelings.

This morning I read a poem that hit deep inside. It was as if the words written were my own, yet I know there is no way I could have expressed them more perfectly than they were already written. How the voice of a stranger can sound so...familiar....is beyond compare. This may not make sense but I knew the exact isolated emotion that was portrayed. I felt it....and for a few minutes I didn't feel it. It was priceless.

The beauty of art never seizes to amaze me.

I appreciate the vulnerability in your words because they spoke to my own vulnerabilities. That is a gift...

The Life of Art.

*I printed the piece and plan to hang it on my wall of art.
You may not be alone in your niche.

1 comment:

  1. I know exactly how you feel - even now, reading your words. I think we all have something to learn from other people's art, things we might already know deep inside, but have yet to actually realize. And not to mention, getting another person's perspective on beauty.

    The beauty of art never seizes to amaze me either.

    Great post!
