
Brush Strokes from a Butterfly (Modern)

I remember when love used to be nothing more than a blank canvas,

racing home after school to catch the taste of an orange push-pop and quick glass of lime green kool aid.

The sky slept on a color blind blue, as my neighborhood companions and I chased each other at the local park,

using the street lights as our only gauge of time, and our imaginations to turn a game of freeze tag into an impromptu rendition of comic book heroes in their most glorious state.

Responsibility and decision making was limited to finding the most economical way to spend your only dollar at the corner store,

paying the clerk and inadvertently leaving your change as a tip,

simplicity was my best friend,

I felt invincible...

Now n Later's in one hand and a high spirit full of youth soaring in every direction as my compass,

there was no definition of impossible.

I knew nothing yet I yearned to live, learn, and experience everything: a perfect manifestation of a childhood innocence.

Never looking back at yesterday, yet still clueless of what tomorrow may bring, I thought my care-free mood would never change....


  1. This is my favorite (currently).

    "she flashed me a hint of a colorful smile straight out of a crayola box and stole my heart forever within the humble whisper of an eye blinking.

    For the first time in my life the Almighty handed me a paint brush and she became my conscience"

    I think I read over this part 10 times. It really is beautiful and reflective.

    Oh and I was so down with the orange push-pops too!

  2. This is beauitful.. simply sums up that wonderful freedom of childhood. The freedom some want back.

  3. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. :-)

    made my day.

  4. Beautiful. I relate to every sentence, every image, every meaning.

    I love this so much. I'm going to print it out and hang it on my wall, next to all the other pieces of art that I love, that remind me of freedom, love and the both combined ;)

    Happy New Year!
