
The directions we give.

In 7th grade, i asked the girl i was "crushing" on what her favorite flower was. The next day i woke up extra early and walked the 6 blocks to the local flower shop with my best friend and his little sister. got to school and gave her a single yellow tulip at the playground before our first period started (i was pretty much broke in those days so i could only afford one).
we were both wearing red shirts and khaki pants.

we didn't plan this. she blushed, i blushed.
both shy.

end of story.

nothing quite defines you better than the way that you love.

we are powerful despite our wounds.

my fingers gently traced her scars, strumming love notes about a story only her and i could hear. i dreamed i touched her skin.

1 comment:

  1. "nothing quite defines you better than the way that you love."

    That deeply touched me - and I couldn't agree more. Genius, it will definitely be something I'll remember forever. :)

    Great post.
