
His City Can't Help you. (pg. 43 sketchbook)

i found this in one of my old rhyme books. it was not dated but I know it was from back in the days when I was young and naive. didn't know love. didn't know s**t.

one thing i've learned over the years is that love has no measure. there is no answer to her depth or my width. finding someone that you believe in, that you think is beautiful and amazing is a risk that needs to be taken. only gratitude can save us, but life is too short to pass it up.

the reality is that it is a very rare chance that you'll meet the person you love and who loves you in return, unconditionally. so once you have it, try your hardest to make it work, and do not let outside influences come between a 1 + 1 = perfect bond, don't ever let go.

The chance might never come your way again....

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