
The diner blues. (Two Way Grill)

Staying beautiful.

ha-ha clever female/ spitting precise detail/ sick like a virus ridden e-mail/ given me a little bit of flavor/ cut to taste/ with a hip-huggin' hyper thrust/ bust. in. cyberspace./ yeah I did get an understanding packaged with your wise words/ always in style/ well designed like the natural beauty. of. you + a smile/ i really do appreciate the love despite your busy-niss/ cause you be down to earth not like females causing hissy-fits/ i can't feel. no appeal. for those who deal in gossip and spill drama/

Instead life be spinning inverted commas/ to make more sense then Common/ completed sentences to end without repentance/ that one fresh hip joint/ the one i remember because she rocked her style tight/ on some old school like rock steady crew met Betty Boop/ but on the real tip the realness you float on is super dope/ when i vibe to it I'm breathing in happiness/ fresher than inhaling creativity and blowing out hope....

*life on a napkin


  1. I love this. Is is lame that I created my own little beat in my head to read this to?

  2. hehe nothing creative is ever lame...at least to me.

    Thank you for kind words Jennifer. i appreciate it very much.
