It's funny looking back...but just between us...Monday's used to scare me. They have a way of enveloping the unwilling. 3 steps out of my door, i always knew my best foot wasn't forward. Negativity, like a cloud, had a way of affecting my perception and blocking my sunshine.
i still can't say Monday's are my favorite but i understand now, how truly important it is too start the week off on the right note. How as long as "each foot is moving forward" that in itself is already the best foot possible.
If the foundation is not solid the final product will not be of quality.
That could be a house, relationship, and especially a human being's mentality. i know that because I've been there.
i always thought i was sculpting my life and making my decisions...yet i understand now...life is a compromise and to live freely doesn't allow for you to live selfishly. Just as much as i sculpted, life was an artist as well, constantly shaping me from who i was to who i am.
When you take away the materials, job titles, credentials, possessions, facades...
Who are you really?
As for me, i consider myself, to be a simple person who finds joy in the low tech things in life. I'm hopeful and curious about the things i don't understand. i think all you can be is yourself. I'm always honest, forever changing, and forever searching...
i want my life to make an impact on the world in a positive way. i am not scared to take risks for the things and people i care about.
i find positive thoughts, colorful flowers, quotes that make you think, Ariel text, genuine hearts, written words, first impressions, and adorable smiles intriguing.
i have a soft spot for people who are willing to stand up for what they believe in.
i strongly dislike people that are judgmental and without manners.
i think finding that 'one' person and loving them deeply and fully with all your heart defines sexy.
Who are you really?
It took me a long time and many mistakes to be able to answer this question. i have to admit it wasn't always easy being patient. Dreaming of the invisible, it wasn't always easy hoping that there was hope. Wondering who i have to become or what it takes to be happy?
By changing my outlook on life, i saved myself. Anyone can do it but from what i have learned it starts with steps forward, even small steps, instead of looking backwards...
"It is easy in the world to live after the world's opinion; it is easy in solitude to live after our own; but the great man is he who in the midst of the crowd keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of solitude." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
before we met i always wondered what it would be like to know someone like you....
This was great. I enjoyed reading this a lot and I think you have some really great thoughts. I'm glad you shared this. I think it can be really influential.
ReplyDeleteThank you very much. That really means a lot to me. i appreciate the feedback.