...because each and everyone is both adorable and special.
i feel particularly lucky when i am able to do or say something and you smile because of me.
And don't get me wrong, i definitely one day, want to have a nice house and car, etc...but really, i am not a materialistic person.
...the way you look at me
...the way you laugh with me
...the way you smile at me...
Those are the things in life that make me happy and why i love being with you....
i wrote this poem for you today because this is the way my heart talks about you when you're not around....
This was really nice :) I enjoyed it. I saw in your about me section that you said "I write poems that most people would not consider to be poems" and I totally know that feeling. I like to write and sometimes my shorter stuff comes across like a poem but if it's ANYTHING, I guess it'd be called free-verse or something. I liked that last line though, good way to put an end on it.