
Beyond the Clouds...

Without dreams there is no reality....

Inspiration is anyone or anything that inspires you to follow your heart and think outside of your boundaries. True inspiration comes from our heroes because they are the real people we look up too, the one’s that cheer us on, they push to think in new and different ways, and they are especially the ones that make us better than we were before just as they made themselves better than they were before….

...you know you've met a hero when they've had a positive impact on you...

On the top of each new journal I write the phrase:

Tomorrow is a new day...

I've grown to realize that I am the only one who can control the amount of effort I put forth. And continuing on even when I felt like I was failing, was slowly killing the demons within myself.

Sometimes, familiarity and comfort need to be challenged, for the sake of personal achievement...

Everyday...we've got something to prove to ourselves!

Challenge is the source of greatness...

The more times you overcome the challenges that are put forth in your way, regardless if they are put forth by yourself or society; the more individuality, humanness and psychological health you will show, and the better you’ll know yourself. The happier you’ll be.

Beyond the Clouds...

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