
Feel for my City.

Our own hearts and not others opinions of us form our true honor...

I was on the redline this morning on my way to work as I was l00king out the window I couldn't help but think how really dope and amazing the city of Chicago is. Through the good and the bad, the snow and the cold, I'm very fortunate to have been born and raised in such a magnificent place. Everyday this city can amaze you if you allow it too.

"The sky slept that day on subtle blues and all I heard were the squeaks of rusty chains danglin' from the swing sets,

as we tried to swing all the way up to the sun,

hoping that one day, we would defy gravity and fly, without having to use our wings..."

I'm not sure why those words describe it best for me but when I think about Chicago in Springtime that is how I feel and the only way I can properly paint a picture of how truly beautiful this city can be.

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