
The Good day. (Take1)

They were right you know. 'The Beatles' that is...

Everything they sang about. Everything they dreamt about. Everything they meant to me:
the words, the imagery, the feelings....

As i reflected today i realized for the first time in years my pieces fit in place a little better than they ever have.
i stood up from my desk and went to the window and all i keep thinking was:

my heart is no longer heartbroken....

For once i am not afraid to make mistakes or try to make myself better than i was before.
i, no longer fear, asking more of myself than i ever have.
With you...
i am not scared to work harder than i ever have worked before because the greatest reward in the world is knowing that my hard work and ambition towards achievement is for us...

you know, i was sick of 'why me'. i was tired of hiding my tears. Quite honestly, i was lonely. From the world, from my emotions, from myself.
grief can turn any man to mush.
Trust me...i've been down and i didn't always have the strength to see through a telescope.

As i looked out that window i kept thinking to myself....

a coin has two sides to it. There is a 50/50 chance. i can go one way or i can no another.
Sometimes we have to just keep flipping...keep trying...and never give up.
If you remain a good person and maintain a kind heart...

Eventually that coin will land bright side up.

ps. i love you for your intelligence, your emotions, and your inner strength. i love you without a hint of doubt. i love you enough to make any sacrifice. i will take my own happiness (the happiness you make me feel by being with you) and use it....

to make you happy back. That's how much i love you sweetpea....

ユナイテッド = is a beautiful feeling.

i am the luckiest man in the world in that i get to come home to you everyday. No matter if i had a good day or a bad day...

everyday has a happy ending knowing i will be with you at the end of it....

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